It’s time to learn and play! This year, on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, we have launched the online game “Human Rights in the palm of your hand”, available on the website Convinced that better knowledge of human rights contributes to their greater respect, we have organized the second edition of the online game as part of the overall programme for the International Human Rights Day, together with Civic Alliance, Ombudsman and Council of Europe.

The goal of the online game is to introduce players to the concept of human rights, people who have made a significant contribution to their greater respect, as well as the work of important institutions in this field. While playing and learning, you can win valuable prizes. The winners will be announced on the International Human Rights Day, December 10.

Those who have the most knowledge will have the opportunity to win valuable prizes. The first prize is a voucher in the amount of one thousand euros for the purchase of equipment / multimedia. There are also 20 vouchers worth 50 euros each for the products of the Union of Young Entrepreneurs

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which for the first time in history recognizes the right of all people to life, liberty and security, was adopted on December 10, 1948.


Additional news:

The winners of the online game “Human Rights in the palm of your hand” have been announced