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ČEK: Workshop on Green Marketing

What’s green during Thursdays at Europe House?

The third ČEK workshop: From green ideas to green businesses focused on the topic of Green Marketing.

With lecturer Ivana Srećković, we explored the strategies of green marketing that encourage an environmentally responsible business and raise awareness of sustainability among consumers.

“We hope that through these workshops participants will be equipped with the tools to make their green ideas a reality,” said Ivana.

Is it possible to dive into the business zone without the use of marketing?

As Srećković points out, all those planning to start an eco-friendly business should know more about creating a marketing plan, strategy, and communication methods.

Together with the participants, during the workshop we learned how to build a brand based on environmental protection values.

So far, we have devised our green idea and written a business plan for it.

The practical part of the third workshop was dedicated to defining the target audience for our green business idea, determining communication channels, and preparing one key message.

During this month, one more ČEK workshop in the series ČEK: From green ideas to green businesses awaits us. This workshop is organised by Europe House in cooperation with the NGO Green Wave.

The fourth workshop will focus on the topic of financing and sources of financing for green businesses.