What is important in life?
Love? Freedom? Friendship? Family?
Together with Jelena, the participants of the Workshop on Mental Health in a Business Environment explored what their main life values are, what are the most important things in life, and what gives life meaning.
“We have all lost touch a bit with what really is important to us, and as a result we have agreed to endure and tolerate a greater amount of stress than what would really be necessary in reality,” said Jelena before the start of the Workshop.
She emphasised that it is of utmost importance to frequently reassess how much we actually live in accordance with our life values.
This Workshop is part of a series of workshops on Mental Health organised by Europe House within the European Year of Skills, in collaboration with Jelena Marković, from Smart Change.
“The problem lies in the imbalance between what is most important to us in life and where we are direct our life resources (time, money, and energy). Unfortunately, this direction is often something entirely different and unimportant,” said Jelena.
She highlighted that the path towards realising our life values is the path towards a quality life which consists of small, every day and basic steps toward achieving our goal.
“Let’s do something now, so that when we turn around at the age of 99 and look back at our lives we can say: it was worth investing time in this, it was worth living life this way,” concluded Jelena.