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EU Support to Montenegrin NGOs for Transitional Justice

Five projects by non-governmental organisations in Montenegro, amounting to €375,362, are being supported by the regional project “EU Support to Confidence Building in the Western Balkans,” funded by the European Union, and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The Western Balkans still carries the burden of conflicts from the 1990s, with a significant number of unresolved cases of war crimes, traumatised victims deprived of justice, growing divisions, and historical revisionism. The regional initiative “EU Support to Confidence Building in the Western Balkans” provides expert support to the judiciary and law enforcement authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo*, North Macedonia, and Serbia in prosecuting war crimes at the national level and improving the quality of support to victims and witnesses.

Over the next three years, the project will empower local actors to raise public awareness about past crimes, including dialogue and exchange of opinions, especially among young people. Non-governmental organisations, playing a crucial role in this process and contributing to overall social cohesion, have been given the opportunity to finance projects in the field of promoting transitional justice.

Gianandrea Villa, Rule of Law Programme Manager at the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, emphasises that a broad dialogue on conflicts is a prerequisite for improving the effective prosecution of war crimes, respecting human rights, and addressing the needs of victims. “Although it is a regional project, activities are tailored to national needs, which the European Union strongly welcomes,” Villa said.

He reminded that the latest EU progress report specifically highlights that Montenegro must be more proactive in investigating war crimes in accordance with the international law. “The first step is raising awareness and knowledge about conflicts through dialogue,” he emphasised while speaking to representatives of the civil sector at the project’s initial event held at Europe House.

Two public calls for civil society organisations registered in Montenegro were open from 12 June to 10 July 2023, and from 3 July to 31 July 2023, and five projects were approved for funding, amounting to €375,362.

The project of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR)—”Initiative for Transitional Justice through Education and Art”—will use creative workshops, exhibitions, educational camps, study visits, documentaries, and promotional campaigns to raise awareness among citizens about the past while strengthening the capacities of prosecutors, the judiciary, civil society, and the media regarding the investigation of war crimes. “Through activities, we will particularly highlight the perspective of women as victims,” explained the representatives of the Initiative Vaskrsija Klačar and Marko Vukčević.

The goal of the project “Education for the Future – Transitional Justice for Reconciliation” by the Centre for Civic Education (CGO) is to improve the understanding of young people about war crimes committed in Montenegro and in the name of Montenegro, as well as to upgrade the capacities of history teachers. Damir Suljević, from the CGO, emphasised that all analyses and research indicate insufficient awareness among young citizens about these conflicts. Some of the key activities include organising a School of Transitional Justice for young people, study visits to places where war crimes were committed, and publishing reports and records from trials for war crimes.

The project “Siege of Dubrovnik 1991-1992: Memories of War to Prevent Repetition” will be implemented by the Human Rights Action (HRA) in partnership with the “Prazan proctor” studio. The focus is on strengthening cooperation with the Republic of Croatia in terms of transitional justice, establishing and documenting war crimes in Dubrovnik, as well as paying tribute to the victims. “In addition to the academic and journalistic research work, the core of the project and what will surely be interesting to the wider public is the production of a theatrical play about the attack on Dubrovnik. The play will contain real motives and collected testimonies,” announced Martina Markolović from the Human Rights Action.

Under the second Public Call, which is focused on supporting victims and witnesses, two projects were supported. Through the initiative “Culture of Memory for a Brighter Future,” the Civic Alliance will research, map, and collect data on victims of war crimes and their needs, especially female victims. “Our main goal is to initiate a public debate and advocate for processes of facing the past among various actors,” said Ljubica Smolović and Jelena Ristić. The project also includes strengthening the public dialogue on the culture of memory through research stories, documentaries, debates, and organising commemorations for crimes in: Bukovica, Kaluđerski laz, Morinj, Štrpci, and Klapuh.

The key objectives of the project “Together for Justice – Legal, Psychological, and Social Support for Victims of War Crimes,” which will be implemented by the Human Rights Action, include achieving justice for victims of war crimes through free support in criminal proceedings and reparations procedures, as well as creating better conditions for regional cooperation in solving crimes. Elizabeta Mrnjavčević from the HRA presented the envisaged activities, including the drafting of a memory policy, creating a handbook on the rights of victims of sexual violence, and a campaign on the importance of memorialising locations where war crimes took place.

In addition to grants for non-governmental organisations, a key component of the project “EU Support to Confidence Building in the Western Balkans” is strengthening the capacities of judicial authorities and improving the strategic and legal framework for prosecuting war crimes, said Jelena Mrdak, UNDP programme manager. “Our focus is also on supporting victims and witnesses of war crimes, as well as researching public opinion and working with young people,” Mrdak said.

The fourth important segment is regional cooperation, for which regional conferences with representatives of prosecutors’ offices, courts, and special police units will be organised in Montenegro this year. Additional information about the project is available here.

*For the European Union, all references to Kosovo should be understood in full compliance with Resolution 1244 (1999) and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. For the United Nations, references to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).