Inner child
This is the part of our personality that is creative, spontaneous, and playful, but also the part of us that easily gets scared.
Much has been written about this scared and playful part of our personality in the last few decades, and awareness of the importance of connecting with the inner child has significantly increased.
“We treat ourselves the way others treated us when we were children,” this is how psychologist Alice Miller once described our relationship with our inner child.
With Jelena Marković from Smart Change, during the fourth ČEK workshop dedicated to mental health in the business environment we talked about the part of our personality that easily gets upset during difficult conversations, the part within which many of our fears, insecurities, and mistrust reside, the part that panics when our boss suddenly calls us to a meeting or that has tremendous stage fright before an interview.
“When we speak about the inner child, we almost always discuss it in the context of family and private relationships. But the inner child doesn’t wait outside the office door while we work. Through this workshop, we explore whether and to what extent this part of our personality is present at work,” said Jelena.
Life is not a game, but perhaps it would be easier for us if we remembered to look at it a bit more playfully, with a bit more freedom. During the workshop, we learned several techniques that will help us build our careers and relationships at work with more confidence, freedom, playfulness, and less fear.
The ČEK workshop: Inner Child at Work concluded the series of workshops on mental health organised by Europe House in cooperation with Jelena Marković from Smart Change within the framework of the European Year of Skills.
Talking about mental health and nurturing it both in private and professional environments seems more important now than ever. Therefore, taking good care of one’s mental health and having empathy towards the mental health of others is the most crucial skill with which a person should navigate oneself through the world.