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Nine new NGO projects for a better life in Podgorica

Nine new NGO projects will be implemented in the Montenegrin capital in the area of ​​strengthening cooperation between the civil sector and local authorities and citizens will have the last and most important benefits out of theit implementation.  These projects, worth close to €100,000, were selected in the second public competition organised under the European Union-funded Regional Programme for Local Democracy in the Western Balkans (ReLOad), implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The Head of the Cooperation Sector in the EU Delegation  to Montenegro, Herman Spitz, emphasised that the selected projects promote the value of the European Union and, in particular, contribute to social inclusion, environmental protection, and the promotion of cultural content.

“This close partnership between the non-governmental sector, the citizens, and the civil servants actually brings the public administration and the local community closer together. Your projects are a testament to the strength of this alliance, where joint efforts are being made to address issues of importance to the quality of life of people,” concluded Spitz.

The importance of the ReLOaD programme was also emphasised by the UNDP’s Permanent Representative in Montenegro, Daniel Gasparikova.

“The results of the ReLOad programme are best seen through the figures: in the last three years, a total of 48 local initiatives have been supported that have directly affected the lives of about 7,000 people, some of them the most vulnerable – young people, people with disabilities, and women,” Gashparikova explained.

The Mayor of Podgorica, Ivan Vukovic, emphasised that the local government supports the civil sector in various ways. The contribution of the local government to the ReLOad programme is  worth €10,000.

“The civil society organisations enable the horizontal integration of connecting like-minded people who have similar problems and want similar things. This kind of social network is actually the best foundation for the development of the rule of law, efficient institutions, and democratic society, and we, as the Capital, are very proud to make a concrete contribution in this way, as well,” said Vukovic at the presentation of the new projects.

The nine best ReLOad project proposals selected by the Appropriations Committee:

  • “Support programmes for parenting in the community” – NGO Roditelji, in the amount of €10,961. The aim of the project is to improve the conditions for healthy growth and development of children without domestic violence by supporting parents in establishing alternative, non-violent models of child-rearing;
  • “Craft Academy – Green craft” – NGO Montenegrin Young Entrepreneurs Union, in the amount of €11,935, aimed at reducing youth unemployment in the Capital through strengthening the motivation to start a business in the field of crafts, especially traditional crafts, and acquiring new skills;
  • Supporting the family at risk for the unobstructed growth and development of the child”NGO Center for the Children Rights, aimed at supporting families at risk in order to ensure the unobstructed development of children and awareness raising in the health and social sector protection;
  • “Meet the Roma and judge – UROP”NGO Roma Youth Organisation “Walk with us – Phiren Amenca” in the amount of €10,215, whose activities will contribute to the education of high school students about the Roma culture, and to raising the public’s awareness about the Roma community;
  • “Rivers without waste for a nicer Capital” – NGO Green Home, in the amount of €10,540, which will improve the aquatic and coastal ecosystems of the capital’s rivers by removing existing illegal landfills on the Ribnica coast, by planting, setting up equipment on the Morača coast, etc.;
  • “Cemovsko Polje – gaining the affection of the local population” – NGO EnvPro – Environmental Programme, in the amount of €12,000, with the purpose of contributing to the protection of fauna, especially endangered bird species, and to win the support of the local population for the continuous care of the natural habitat.
  • #PodgoricaMovieTime – Centre for Youth Education, in the amount of €10,789, which will popularise film culture within youth clubs, strengthen film literacy, and foster a culture of diversity;
  • “Digital Intelligence Development – Digitize.Me, in the amount of €10,381, which will help children to use digital technologies responsibly and safely, with the aim of raising the level of digital intelligence and combating violence on the Internet;
  • “Sustainable Urban Mobility in Podgorica Secondary Schools” –, in the amount of €11.430, which will explore the conditions for the development of e-mobility in secondary schools and encourage students to practice various activities, such as walking, cycling, and public transport, while raising awareness about reducing environmental pollutants.