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Management of renewable energies and storage units

Green energy often comes from renewable energy sources, which contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and are generally less harmful to the environment.

In that regard, the region of South-Eastern Europe still has huge potential to become a clean energy hub for Europe. It has the necessary natural potential, such as wind power and solar panels. But power systems also need to be robust and stable enough to connect intermittent renewable energy sources.

This project aims to establish cross-border management of variable renewable energy sources (RES) and storage units in order to secure a wholesale electricity market. It has four objectives: better control of cross-border renewable energy sources; distributed and centralized new storage solutions; better network observability; and new business models for transnational wholesale electricity market.

The project helps foster regional cooperation between system operators in South Eastern Europe, including Montenegrin transmission system operator – CGES. It has provided 9 different tools to help the Regional Coordination Center to facilitate higher RES penetration, whilst reducing operational costs for individual operators.

The increasing share of fluctuating RES has become key to improving the carbon footprint of the European electricity system and achieving energy and climate change policy goals. In that sense, CROSSBOW project helps analyze, deploy and demonstrate a set of solutions which enable faster implementation of technologies that support the green energy transition.

The project is funded under the Research and Innovation Program of the European Commission, Horizon 2020 with €17.2 million. It ended in April 2022.


More information on Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 was the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available for the period 2014-2020. Its goal was to ensure that Europe produces world-class science, remove barriers to innovation and make it easier for the public and private sectors to work together in delivering innovation. The programme ended in 2020 and it was succeeded by Horizon Europe, which represents €95.5 billion worth Research and innovation funding programme. Its funding is available until 2027.

Project name:

Management of renewable energies and storage units


Start time:


End time:



Montenegro and the region of South-Eastern Europe




Montenegrin transmssion system operator– CGES AD, University of Montenegro – ETF

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Management of renewable energies and storage units

Fusce porttitor faucibus est, ac feugiat libero. Sed cursus justo erat, vitae dignissim turpis imperdiet vitae. Aliquam mattis odio sed lacus euismod, eget placerat diam consectetur. Fusce in erat sit amet orci euismod semper. Proin at tristique sem, at suscipit neque. Ut pellentesque sagittis leo, non ullamcorper libero rhoncus vitae. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse egestas nulla quis turpis gravida, vel convallis enim vehicula. Ut a luctus purus. Aliquam placerat, mauris at pellentesque fermentum, magna metus vulputate arcu, sed varius mi libero id lacus. Pellentesque consequat quam non tincidunt maximus. Nulla egestas lobortis ligula ut blandit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer a urna at purus varius placerat vitae non turpis.

Implemented by the NGO Monitor Center for Media and Democracy, with an aim to help reducing the level of peer violence against Roma youth. In order to raise awareness of peer violence against members of the Roma community, this sub-grant included production of several research articles. In the research process were also involved journalists from the Roma portal “Romalitika”.