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Seedlings as gifts by the EUIC for a Niksic kindergarten

On the occasion of the International Children’s Day on 20 November, children from the kindergarten “Radost” in Niksic enriched the yard of the kindergarten with six seedlings. The seedlings were a gift by the EU Info Centre and a donation for the NGO Paths of our Ancestors project.

“Plant a tree for a green, ecological Niksic,” is the project implemented by the NGO Paths of our Ancestors, which aims to raise environmental awareness and make Trebjesa Forest Park, kindergartens and schools greener.

As part of the project, in addition to afforestation, eco-actions were organised to remove small illegal landfills and broken trees.

“Today we planted three cedars and three firs at the “Radost” kindergarten. Our goal is to improve the ecological status of Montenegro through the activities we implement,” said Ana Petrovic Njegos, President of the NGO Paths of our Ancestors.

The International Children’s Day is celebrated around the world with activities aimed at promoting and protecting the rights of the child, and the seedlings in the yard of the kindergarten will make environment more beautiful and cleaner for the little ones.

“This is just another in a series of actions that we realised in cooperation with the NGO Paths of our Ancestors which gives us great pleasure. A big thank you to the EU Info Centre for the donated seedlings,” said educator Stana Medojevic.

The donation of seedlings for the kindergarten “Radost” in Niksic is a continuation of the cooperation between the EU Info Centre and the NGO Paths of our Ancestors. Previously, the EU Info Centre donated seedlings for the afforestation of Trebjesa, thus marking the Climate Diplomacy Week.