Green jobs are central to sustainable development. This project was aimed at generating new job opportunities in the agricultural sector in the cross-border region of Montenegro and Kosovo*. It focused on enhancing the level of knowledge and upgrading technical skills of local farmers, as well as on promoting the agricultural sector as a viable opportunity for employment and self-employment in the targeted area, especially for young unemployed people.
The project involved the mapping of agricultural resources in the targeted municipalities in Montenegro and Kosovo, as well as the production and distribution of a Handbook for start-ups in the farming business. Furthermore, the project helped upgrade the technical capacities of local farmers and promote agricultural products from the cross-border region among the general public and businesses. This helped create a solid basis for a better future of rural communities in the targeted area.
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/99 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.