Skill SHEroes
To mark International Women’s Day, Europe House is celebrating women who have acquired new skills and successfully transformed their careers.
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Montenegro and the EU share responsibility for a common future, a future that must include a strategic vision for the country's development in terms of clean energy and climate. For a healthier and greener future... Let's start clean energy!!!
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Coffee with Ambassadors
“Coffee with Ambassadors” is the name of our new activity, through which Europe House opens its doors for citizens to have the opportunity to meet with representatives of EU member states in Montenegro and learn more about their countries through an open dialogue.
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Concerts without Electricity
Recognising that music is a nation’s finest postcard, Europe House prepared a new activity called "Concerts without Electricity." Through this activity we will get to know and fall in love with the music of European Union member states.
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Our friendship is a success story
Citizens of Montenegro are writing their own success stories with the support of the EU.
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Thursdays at Europe House
"Thursdays at Europe House" or ČEK – short from "Četvrtak u Evropskoj Kući" – is the name of our new activity.
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EU projects
Through hundreds of projects implemented together with state and local authorities, civil society organisations, businesses and citizens, the European Union has been making a substantive difference in Montenegro over the past 15 years.
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European Year of Skills
Get inspired, get involved, get skilled.
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eu Projects

The European Union is the largest donor and investor in Montenegro. Since 2007, it has allocated more than 610 million euros in grants in order to improve the lives of Montenegrin citizens. Through hundreds of projects implemented together with state and local authorities, civil society organisations, businesses and citizens, the European Union has been making a substantive difference in Montenegro over the past 15 years.


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Success stories
